Copyright issues should be a top domain name consideration

Firms looking to acquire a new domain name should be mindful of copyright laws, according to one leading domain name acquisition expert.

According to the Australian Web Hosting Company (AWHC), getting a good quality domain name is vital if you are planning on using a Web address for marketing purposes.

Tried and tested domain names are particularly popular as they will be memorable and more likely to encourage Web traffic.

However, AWHC noted that checking the legality of any domain name your company registers is a must.

“A name, symbol or word that has been registered as a copyright or a trademark by a company or an individual cannot be used by any other organization in any way for business purposes,” the firm said.

“Search the trademark database thoroughly and check if your domain name is a registered trade,” the Web host advised.

Recently, the Internet Commerce Association noted that pre-emptively registering a domain name could limit the chances a firm will become a victim of cybersquatting.