New Notice from CNNIC Regarding Domains Registered before December 14, 2009

CSC has been advised that CNNIC, the registry operator for .CN, will be dispatching a second e-mail notice to registrants of .CN domains registered before December 14, 2009 requesting confirmation that the following information is true, accurate and correct for each domain listed on the notice:

Domain Name
Registrant ID
Registrant Name
Registrant Organization
Registrar Name

These notices will be sent to registrants who did not respond to a similar notice sent by CNNIC in late June 2010 and are expected to arrive between September 10, 2010 and September 30, 2010. The e-mail will likely come from the following address: REMINDER@CNNIC.CN. CSC recommends that clients who hold .CN names registered before December 14, 2009 take the necessary steps to ensure these e-mails will not be blocked by corporate and personal in-box spam filters.

If the information on the notice appears to be correct, there will be a link for you to click within the notice to confirm the information as accurate. This is all you must do. If there is information on the notice that is incorrect or you have a question about, you should immediately contact your CSC Client Service Specialist to request the information be updated. Once the information is updated with CNNIC, clients reporting updates will likely receive an additional confirmation e-mail from CNNIC where they will be asked to confirm the accuracy of the new information provided.

If you have any questions regarding this notice expected from CNNIC, please contact your CSC Customer Service Specialist.